Maven Unmasked has Moved!

Hi there beautiful soul!

I have had a bunch of new followers to the WordPress blog as of late (first of all – let me say welcome! *smiles*), and I wanted to let all of you know that there is a new home for Maven Unmasked at where you will find all of the spiritual content you have come to love and tons more!

All of the blog posts, have been moved over to the new site, as well as some additional posts that are not available on the WordPress blog like 102 Journal Prompts for the Lightworker in You and more.

I will be keeping the WordPress site up for now, however please make sure to subscribe to my new website so you don’t miss any of the juicy content!

Welcome to the world of Maven Unmasked.

Love & Blessings,

xo Ariel




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Unicorn as a Spirit Animal | Animal Totems

Has Unicorn come trotting across your mind’s eye with glitter hoof and silky mane? Unicorn is special – a star in it’s own right. As a mythical creature, it is connected to both the heavens and the earth. A creature of magic on the physical plane. Fantasy given flesh and bone. A beauty of both land and sky. Here is what it may mean if you have Unicorn as a Spirit Animal.

Sparkle + Shine Shimmer and shake! Prance and dance! Be magical, mystical, and majestic. Make them stop and stare from the twinkling of your aura. You are something special! A body of light. Created from magick dust, glitter bombs, and angel feathers. Unicorn animal totem asks you to know this in your heart. Be confident in the magic of your own soul. Express it.

Be YOUnique The Unicorn is one of a kind. It accepts itself for who it is – sparkles, rainbow glitter, horn, and all. Each is unique and beautiful in it’s own way. Unicorn asks you to release comparison and jealousy. See the elegant magic of your individuality. Don’t be afraid to stand out in the crowd!


Be Imaginative, Playful, and Dreamy Don’t close out them realm of possibilities. Fantasize. Dream BIG! Embrace your purity and innocence. Unicorn invites you to play with your inner child. Allow them to run wild and laugh freely. See with new waking eyes that view the world with awe and adventure. Imagine. Open and meditate on your Crown Chakra. Journey. Reawaken your sense of discovery and expedition.

Love Freely with an Open Heart and an Open Mind! See the good in all living things. Feel the connectedness and wonder of everything. The wisdom of the cosmos. Share love and kindness wherever you go. Be empathic and understanding. The spirit of Unicorn encourages you to open, heal, balance, and strengthen your heart chakra. Greet everyone you encounter with love and light straight from the heart.

Fight for your Dreams Charge forward. Pierce through obstacles. The horn of the Unicorn does all these things. It leads the way and will navigate you to your true north. Believe in your own power. You are capable and worthy of all you dream. Even in the most challenging of circumstances, the love and support that Unicorn gives is undying. They are loyal to the end. Unicorn gives you strength to help pierce through challenges and clear a path to your goals. Do not give up hope – BELIEVE!

xo Ariel

Mirror in The Moon 

Little pieces of your destiny lie at your feet, glinting in the moonlight. The puzzle of all puzzles! How do you build your fate, construct your destiny, piece by glimmering piece? What do you think you will have created once everything fits together perfectly and is firmly glue in place?

As we go through life, we may feel we are on a path, yet are unsure of where it will lead us. Like The Moon in tarot, all is not ready to be revealed. Break the illusion of who you believe you should be when you look in the mirror. Destroy the vision of what you think your life should look like. What is the fun, where is the blessing, in having a cookie cutter life? A one size fits all?

These broken shards of glass that you are slowly piecing together, piece by sometimes agonizing piece, will one day form a complete reflection of who you are. You’re still building, working, striving to be your best you. Let go of the illusion that you are flawed. The illusion that your life is a mess. You are being divinely guided to your soul purpose – what is such a mess about that?

xo Ariel 

Be a Luscious Lightworker | Maven Mindset

Being a Lightworker and an Empath is not always an easy task. You have chosen to incarnate on this planet at this time in history for a particular purpose – your spiritual vocation. Here are some ways to help you stay lusciously shiny and feeling your best through it all!

Luscious Lightworker + Enigmatic Empath Tips

Spiritual Protection – Call in your angels and your guides to surround you in the white light of protection. Archangel Michael is a great spiritual warrior and protector. Invite him into your energy to create a shield of protection around you. Spiritual and Psychic Protection is extremely important to have up when going into toxic environments. Perhaps you have a rough relationship with a coworker, volatile communication with a family member. It is also important for environments where there will be a lot of buzzing, clashing, and swirling energies abound like a mall or busy restaurant.
Is this mine or someone else’s – When you feel overwhelmed by emotion or when you are having a great day and decide to go out with friends only to return sad and depressed. In those moments, try and see if you can separate the thoughts from the emotions and ask yourself the question of if these emotions really belong to you. Catalog everything you are feeling and try to determine to the best of your ability if you’re really angry or if you just happened to pick up your anger from the guy at the bar or your girlfriend’s heartache after a fight with her boyfriend.
Clearing your energy + your space – Keeping your aura clear and fresh is a major part of spiritual hygiene, plus it just feels damn good! Use florida water to create an aura mist or get a smudge stick and sage yourself, your home, and your property. You can even get a himalayan salt lamp. See how re-arranging the furniture in a particular room in your home changes the flow of energy. Cleanse your crystals and other magical tools.
Stay grounded – Ground your energy daily to help keep you mindful of the here and now. This will also help to release excess energy or emotions into the earth. Staying grounded is also extremely important in helping you to adjust to and assimilate higher vibrations.
Taking a step back + away from toxic situations – This is important so as not to have your energy drained by toxic situations. Know when and where to focus your energies. Try not to engage in toxic and unhealthy habits, behaviors, and situations.
Some may just not understand and that’s okay – Some of your family members and friends may not embrace or understand what you do or why you’re doing it. Some may think you’re crazy or woo-woo or airy fairy and flaky. Send these people love and keep your practice if that is what your soul tells you to do. Just because they may not understand your path, does not mean that they’re bad people or carry a low vibration or are not a part of your soul tribe.

Artwork by Josephine Wall

Keep spreading your light anyway – Even though there may be naysayers, shine anyway. Even though you may be frustrated, shine anyway. Even when you feel like you’re not being heard, shine anyway. Even when you feel unappreciated and unnoticed, shine anyway. When you feel alone in your cause, shine anyway. When you feel beat down and worn, allow your heart to shine anyway.
Work with high vibe crystals and stones that protect your energy – Some of my favorite crystals for this purpose are selenite, clear quartz, apophyllite, elestial quartz, moldavite, nuumite, aqua aura quartz, celestite, rose quartz, tektite, amethyst, and scocelite. There are many more out there. Don’t be afraid to do research on your own. If you’re new to the vibration of crystals, be cautious as some of the crystals listed above carry an intense vibration that may make you uncomfortable (like being lightheaded, hot, dizzy, or feeling your body vibrate) if you’re not accustomed to the vibration! This is why grounding is important.
Meditate often – Get in touch with your soul. Talk to your Higher Self. De-stress and calm yourself. Clear your mind. Find peace. Sink into your center. Meditation is great for stress relief, soul searching, increasing your sense of happiness, and boosting your creativity! It also helps to connect you to the world of spirit, the higher realms, and raises your vibration.
Connect with your spirit guides regularly – They have much guidance and love to share with you. I have had the most beautiful experiences with my spirit guides – especially one’s that started in meditation and carried on into the waking world. They send you beautiful signs and symbols if you open your eyes and ears to it!
Drink plenty of water – This keeps your energy clear and flowing as well as helps you stay hydrated. I also believes drinking water helps to strengthen your connection to spirit. The more spiritual work you do, the more water you may drink.
Eat more foods that keep your vibration high – Fruit and veggie it up Lightworker friends! Invite more color into your diet. Try to eat organic when you can. These foods are less dense and keep your vibration lighter as your body isn’t busy working on digesting heavier foods like meats and cheeses.
Stop comparing your spiritual journey – Refrain from comparing someone else’s experience and knowledge to your own. Whether it be ego and pride or from a lack of self-confidence – cut it out. Seriously love, let it go. All this does is lower your vibration and traps you in a state of insecurity. How can you shine your light as bright as possible, when you continue to turn your spotlight in someone else’s direction? Besides, you have your own unique perspective that needs to be shared. Focus on you and what makes you happy. Those who inspire you did not become a success or full of spiritual wisdom overnight. It took years of lessons, tears, and hard work. You never know what someone else went through or is currently going through. You are exactly where you are meant to be right now in your journey. Embrace it in love. Spiritual growth is not a competition.

xo Ariel

26 Questions to Ask your Spirit Guides

Hi Loves! As a follow-up to Spirit Guides 101, here are 26 questions to ask your guides while connecting with them. These questions will allow you to begin to deepen your relationship and connection to your Spirit Guides. Happy communing in discovery!

  1. What is your name?
  2. Why have we chosen to work with each other?
  3. Did we share any past lives together? If so, what was our relationship?
  4. What lesson are you here to help me learn?
  5. What was your life like?
  6. Where were you born?
  7. What era are you from?
  8. Are you a lifetime guide or are you here to guide me through a particular lesson?
  9. What do I need to release?
  10. How can I love and support myself more?
  11. How can we deepen our connection?
  12. What is your “sign” to let me know you’re around?
  13. Is there a gift you have for me?
  14. How can I feel your presence more?
  15. How is my spiritual development going? Are there any spiritual tools or concentration of study you would have me embrace?
  16. What can I do or learn right now to aid my spiritual growth, evolution, and development?
  17. How can I listen to and follow your guidance?
  18. What is your preferred form of communication? (Tarot, Oracle, Runes, Meditation, Clairaudiently, etc.)
  19. What is a significant time in my current life that you helped me with?
  20. How can I tap into my soul purpose more?
  21. How can you help me with my manifesting? How can we co-create?
  22. Where should I keep persevering?
  23. How can I strengthen and develop my intuitive gifts?
  24. How can I be more of a Lightworker in my community?
  25. Where should I put my focus in shadow work?
  26. What karmic lessons should I concentrate on? How can I break this karmic cycle?


xo Ariel

Spirit Guides 101 | Part 1 of 2

Part 1

This 2 part series is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding your spirit guides and building a relationship with them. This article is only the beginning of that partnership. Just as any significant relationship takes time, nurturing, communication, and patience to develop, so too does one with your guides. It is not instantaneous and will grow and change over the years. Be open to the discovery, the wisdom, and the experience. 

What is a Spirit Guide? A Spirit Guide is a spiritual teacher, a highly evolved soul, who helps to guide you through life and navigate the path of your soul purpose. Their number one concern is you and what is for your best and highest good – however, they cannot intervene in our affairs without our permission due to the free will we have as souls.

Is a Spirit Guide the same thing as a Guardian Angel? Not exactly… Your Spirit Guides have a different role than your Guardian Angel. Your guides are with you everyday. I feel that your Guardian Angel only comes around when their is a specific need for their help and protection.

What do they do? Each guide you have has a different role in your life. You may have a guide for your business and career, for joy, for wisdom, love, health, protection, etc. You also have a Master Guide who oversees the whole of your life. They come around for the big spiritual lessons and themes of your life. Your guides can help you through challenges, work with your energy, and place timely opportunities on your path. If you’re a Medium, working with your guides is extremely important as they help you in readings while communicating with the other side. They are your personal spiritual team of teachers! The ultimate guides to help you navigate this life in order to fulfill your soul purpose.

Does everyone have a spirit guide? YES! Everyone has at least one spirit guide – even your mom, grandmother, significant other, or child.

How many can you have? As of now, I have met 10 of my Spirit Guides. It has taken about 3 years or so to connect with them and to be able to understand each guides unique name and vibration. There is still much to discover. You can have 1 – 1,000.

Do you have one guide your whole life or do they come in and out as needed? Some may come and go from your life. Perhaps only there to help you with a particular lesson or situation. As we learn from them, they learn from us too! It is about the evolving of souls on both planes of existence.

Stay tuned for Part 2 next week, where we’ll answer…

Can an animal be my Spirit Guide?
Can my loved one in spirit be my spirit guide?
How do we choose and communicate with our guides?

And more!

xo Ariel

🐝Busy Bee | Willpower + The 8 of Pentacles

How can you harness your inner worker bee? How can you keep your drive and momentum going when you have mountains to climb, rivers to cross, and a tornado of to-do lists in your path?


Eight of Pentacles from Lumina Tarot  (Inner Hue, 1st ed.)

The 8 of Pentacles asks you to have a place for everything and everything in it’s place. Where are your priorities currently? Organization is the key to productivity and proficiency. This card also invites you to start creating healthy habits now, so that when you do feel overwhelmed, you won’t throw caution to the wind and waiver from what you know does in fact work.

When working with the intensely dedicated energy of the Eight of Pentacles, keep your Solar Plexus chakra strong, balanced, and vibrant. Crystals associated with this chakra, like citrine, are filled with the vibration of success and empowerment. This can definitely help to provide an extra push when you’re really striving to achieve your personal best!

The worker bee asks invites you to get into your creative flow. Tap into your energetic drive. Tune the world out for a little while and hone in on your work. Give it as much concentrated effort as possible. What does it take for you to get in the zone and how do you know once you’re there?

xo Ariel

How to Know if You’re in the Flow with the Universe | Maven Mindset

Synchronicities Just thinking of someone and they call. Having a dream about a certain animal or object and they pop up in your waking life. Your intuition is on point without you even realizing it. You may even be experiencing the beautiful synchronicity that is spirit animals and angel numbers. And sometimes the synchronicities are not always awe inspiring. Sometimes the Universe likes to give us (and itself) a laugh or two whether this reminds us of our responsibilities, an item on our To-Do list, or something embarrassing we may have done.

Spirit Animals A Spirit Animal is an animal spirit who has a special message for you. You may dream about them, see yourself as this animal, feel a sacred connection to them, or even just run across the animal itself or it’s image repeatedly. This is not a coincidence! This animal more than likely has a special and timely message for you. Here you can find more information as to What is a Spirit Animal and how to work with them.

Angel Numbers These are number sequences that you see over and over whether it be when looking at the clock, on license plates as your driving to work, phone numbers, lottery numbers – you name it! Examples of these are 11:11, 222, 333, 444, 555, 999, 646, 578, any repeating number sequence. These numbers are messages from your angels, guides, and the Universe. I have found them to be spot on for what I am experiencing in the moment. A message that I personally needed to hear. For example, while testing for my Psychic Medium certification, I was scared, and stressed out. I happened to look out of my hotel window and saw the number 299 on the top of a bus. I thought it quite odd as I caught sight of it just before it disappeared around a corner. I ran to look up the meaning and cried in amazement and gratitude. My favorite go-to site for angel number meanings is Angel Numbers – Joanne Sacred Scribes by Joanne Walmsley.

Easier to Manifest | Timely & Auspicious Opportunities When you’re in the flow with the Universe, you begin to see doors that are open for you which you may have missed before. The job you’ve been searching for may come your way. Perhaps you’ve been sending out the vibe to attract your tribe and you begin to meet people of a like vibration in random everyday happenings. Know that these opportunities may not come in the way you expect them to. You need some extra money to pay the bills and you have the chance to make some overtime cash.  You may need extra cash, but that doesn’t mean you’ll win the lottery, but the Universe does make a way for you to get what is needed. Be open to new experiences.

Raise in Vibration You’ve been realizing the connectedness of all things. You are beginning to feel and work with energy. As your vibration raises, your intuition becomes stronger. You put your focus on positivity, love, joy, and happiness. You’re interested in learning more about spirituality and what your spiritual truths are.

Law of Attraction This is all about your thinking. Both positive and negative. How do you talk to yourself? Is it in a loving way or is the tone of voice more condescending? Having negative self-talk or thought patterns doesn’t mean you are out of the flow. It is a part of the human experience. Be conscious of your thinking. When you see negative though patterns creeping in, re-channel and redirect your thoughts in that moment! It takes some practice, but it is possible. The more positively you think, the more blessings that come your way. Negativity is sticky – negative thoughts, actions, words, and deeds have a tendency to stick to your energy. Thereby, lowering your vibration. Your vibration is tied to the law of attraction. What you put out into the Universe is what you attract to you.

Reaffirming that you’ve Learned Old Lessons

The Universe may send a few old lessons your way, just to confirm you got the message the first go round. The situation or people may be different, but the lesson the same. Do you recognize this? What didn’t work the first time? Now is your chance to correct it. To show the Universe you’re serious. You have taken heed. That you’ve integrated the wisdom from previous happenings. This lets the Universe know that you’re ready to move on to the next chapter, the next lesson of your spiritual development.

How do you know you’re in the flow with the Universe? What signs have been given to you? What has been your experience thus far and how do you keep the link going?

xo Ariel

What is a Spirit Animal? | Animal Totems

I’ve always been attracted to and fascinated by the animal kingdom. I have so many random facts about animals in my head it’s ridiculous. I can’t help it. There is a message in every creature on this planet. Perhaps I always sensed it, even as a child.

Over the last few years, I’ve taken this passion for critters both big and small, and expanded on it. My learning has taken on a spiritual nature. I’ve written about a few Spirit Animals (FoxBlue HeronDolphin, Owl, and Squirrel) and yet, I hadn’t explained what one is, how to work with them, or even why you should care about who your Power Animal is. It’s time to correct that.

So now, based on my own experience, I bring you the answer to the question, What is a Spirit Animal?

What is a Spirit Animal?

A Spirit Animal, also known as Animal Totem or Power Animal, is an animal whose spirit has a special message or mission for you. They offer guidance, wisdom, and support. This is also known as their medicine in shamanism and Native American cultures. They may come into your life to help you through certain situations or to offer their strength and protection.

How do you know which animal is your Power Animal?

You may go outside your home everyday for a week and see a Raven as soon as you step outfront. You may encounter a Tiger in your dreams. You’ve been seeing images of Killer Whales everywhere! Perhaps you were always intrigued by Dolphins as a child. These are all Power Animals! You were attracted to or encountered them synchronistically. Is there a particular animal that you fear? Snake is often one of these creatures for most people. Perhaps it has something to do with this creatures inherent qualities. Snake is about change and transformation – the shedding of old skin. Is there a message they have to give to you that you’re resisting?

How do you make contact?

Go into meditation. There are plenty of Meet Your Spirit Animal meditations on YouTube! If a guided meditation doesn’t seem right for you, close your eyes, do some deep breathing, and see which animal comes to you. Don’t be put off if it is not an animal you were expecting. Say if you were hoping for an Eagle and instead a Bumble Bee comes to visit. Be open and willing to listen. I’m sure the meaning of this creature is pertinent to you and your situation. You can even set the intention before you go to sleep that you’d like to encounter your Spirit Animal in your dreams.

Do you have one Spirit Animal for your whole life? 

Yes you can! Some stay for a lifetime. Others may come just for a short period of time to help you learn a lesson. Once the lesson has been learned, they may move on. You may have many animal teachers come in and out of your life as you grow spiritually.

Can you choose your Animal Totem?

Absolutely! Think about what qualities you would like to embody. Do you want to be more of a tiger in your relationship – abundant, fierce, and playful? Work with Tiger energy. Would you like to invite more focus into your work? Then choose a creature like Hawk. Do you want more peace and purity in your life? Work with the spirit of Dove. Do you want to invite more childlike energy into your day? Invite the spirit of Dolphin to come and play! You can also work with the energy of an animal you’ve always been fascinated with and want to learn more about.

How do you work with your Spirit Animal?

Meet with them in meditation. Ask them to be with you as you go about your day. Ask for their strength in trying circumstances. Ask them to help guide you in the right direction when you’re confused. Get a statutette, photo,or an item in their likeness. Something that reminds you of them. I, for example, have a Raven pendant I wear everyday. I also have a Raven figurine carved from black onyx that I keep on my altar. Try taking one day out of your week and embody their qualities. Walk as the Lion. Think and use your wisdom as the Owl. Be prepared and resourceful like the Squirrel. You can even invite them into your rituals and manifesting!

So you found your Spirit Animal…Now what?

Work with them daily. Ask to feel their presence. What does their energy feel like? Listen to and decipher the messages they bring. Keep an eye open for any signs they give you. When do you see your Spirit Animal? When do you most feel them? What were you just thinking about before they happened to cross your path, run across the road, or squwak loudly, gaining your undivided attention. There are messages in the synchronicity! Keep an eye out for it. Pay attention to the world around you. Expand your awareness. You may be surprised at what you find.

What’s your Animal Totem? How do you connect? What has been your experience since the spirit of this creature came into your awareness?

xo Ariel

What to Do When You’re Tired of Being the Bigger Person | Maven Mindset

We all have times where we get into arguments with those that we love. If you’re like me, you have often found yourself in the position where you have to be the bigger person in the situation. But what do you do when you’re the one who always has to be the responsible adult? The one who lets it go. When you don’t want to shrink on your beliefs or feelings for the sake of a peaceful night, because you resent never being able to just speak your mind without ridicule. When you feel like you’re forfeiting your dignity and intelligence to suffer in silence. When you’re angry because that one person is just not listening to you, here is how you can hold sacred space for yourself.

Lumina Tarot (Inner Hue)

The World

Connect with your guides and angels in meditation. What qualities does this person have that are bothering you so deeply and why? Try to form a deeper sense of understanding. Ask your guides to help you with this. If this is a family issue, ask your Ancestors to come in to help clear up any karma and to begin ancestral or bloodline healing. Extend love and forgiveness to the person. It’s not as much for them as it is for you so that you’re not allowing bitterness and resentment to take over your energy and harden your heart. Oh ya, and of course send them love and light like the high vibe lightworker you are!

The Devil

Avoid addictive behaviors resulting from an ‘F – it’ attitude. You won’t hurt them by doing this, the only person you’ll really be hurting is yourself. Resist the urge to lash out. Don’t leave them lying in the dust after you stampede. Don’t trample what is already a probably a very fragile ego. Yes, it may feel good in the moment to take out your agressions, frustrations, and disappointments on this person, however it doesn’t heal the situation. Remember that it’s their lesson too. It’s not your problem if they’re not ready to learn it.

Two of Cups

Talk with others about the situation. Find common ground with the offender, but don’t be afraid of setting boundaries! Remember the good qualities they have however, don’t romanticize them or the situation. Protect yourself. Why keep giving to a person who is not willing or open to receive? Don’t cry over spilled milk whether it’s wasted time or energy. Pick up your cup, wash it clean of their bs, and take it with you as you meet others who believe in kindness, compassion, and an even exchange of energy. Refill your cup with love, understanding, and appreciation.


Trust that the Universe will handle it. Karma will level the scales. Do not be unfair or unjust to this person even though the human part of you wants to snub them like they’ve snubbed you. Don’t worry about wanting them to hurt as much as they’ve hurt you. Get rid of that low vibrational thinking. Take the high road!  The Universe has already laid a plan. This situation, this person, has come into your life to teach you a lesson. Perhaps it may even be a karmic relationship if this type of thing happens repeatedly or if you notice a pattern. How can you break the cycle?

Hope this helps you keep your power when you feel like someone you love is trying to take it away.

xo Ariel