Fall Tarotscopes 2016 | September 22nd to December 20th 2016

Give me ALL the Fall! Crisp air, pumpkins, hot chocolate, Halloween (Samhain), colorfully crunchy leaves, sweaters, silky scarves, and the season of gratitude – these are all reasons I LOVE Autumn! Can’t you feel the magick in the air? As the leaves change and fall, I offer you these Tarotscopes for the warm and inviting months ahead. So curl up by the fire with your pumpkin spice latte and enjoy!




What’s the vibe surrounding your sign this Fall? Make sure to read the Tarotscope for your Moon and Rising Signs in addition to your Sun sign to get a more complete picture of the energy you may be working with this Autumn! For the Tarotscopes this season, I will be using the Tarot Apokalypsis and as a BONUS treat (because this is my favorite season) I have decided to add an additional oracle card for each sign from The Halloween Oracle. YAY!

If you’d like to get a Fantastic reading with me this Fall, please visit my Etsy Shop

Have an Autumn full of Awesome lovelies!

xo Ariel 



Aries | 4 of Cups + Invisibility



Have you become bored Aries? Are you struggling to find your way to stand out in a crowd? The best way to do that is to be authentic. Just be you! Don’t worry about being seen by others this season. Find security in yourself. Are you doing something because you feel obligated but not because your heart and soul is in it? What do you truly want to do? When we do things out of a sense of obligation, we can lose steam easily. Focus on bringing more authentic expression to your life. Your life can’t possibly be boring when you focus on expressing how you feel in all the true colors of who you are instead of repressing it.


Taurus | 7 of Pentacles + Jack O’Lantern



You reap what you sow Taurus. It is time to evaluate past actions and whether they have bared fruit. Is there anything worth saving? Anything worth building on? Don’t compare your progress to others – your harvest is your own. Protect your assets and investments this month. Also know that you are loved and protected. Don’t allow worries, fears, doubts, or thoughts of not being good enough to creep in. Work with black tourmaline, obsidian, or black kyanite for an extra boost of protective energy when you feel that you need it this season.


Gemini | 6 of Swords Reversed + Joy

Rejoicing in the present…


This Fall, there seems to be a knowledge of the need to move on but you may outwardly be standing still Gemini. The transition is happening within. Instead of worrying about if you are in the right place or moving towards the future, focus on living in the present. By living in the present this season, it will help you to re-evaluate what is of importance in your life. Take time to breathe. By taking a step back and focusing on joy, you may find the answer that you have been looking for.


Cancer | The Empress + Skull of Darkness

Blind spots…


Send love to yourself this Autumn, Cancer! Send love to others as well. This season is a time of nurturance. It is also a season to see where you may be missing some loving thoughts and actions in your life. Are you receiving the love that you wish to receive? Are you giving the love you wish to give? And in all that giving and receiving of love, make sure to dole out some of that to yourself as well. Spoon it in with daily affirmations and replacing lower vibrational thoughts with higher ones. Where would you like more love, tenderness, and guidance in your life? How can you give that to yourself?


Leo | Justice + Skull of Flowers

Creating through the ashes…


Justice comes to play for you this season Leo. Whether things work out the way you expect them to or not, be mindful that you can overcome. You can rebuild. New things are waiting to be planted now that lady justice has leveled her scales. The playing field is even now – even if you have to start from scratch. This energy is prime for rebirth and renewal. Like the scorched earth of the forest after a fire, new life will eventually sprout.

Virgo | 8 of Wands + Graveyard

Unnecessary fear…


Go! Onward, Virgo! Leap forward, take the step. All the ‘what-ifs’, and ‘I don’t knows’ are unnecessary fears. Energy and time will be moving quickly for you this Autumn. Don’t waste it feeding and feeling trepidation. Things may be whirling around you so much and happening so quickly that your head is spinning. It may cause you to want to stay in place, frozen in fear. Learn to work with this energy to your advantage. You can get a lot accomplished this season if you stay organized, focused, and believe in yourself.

Libra | Queen of Wands + Trick or Treat

Mischief and play…


Don’t be afraid to let your hair down and have a little fun this Autumn, Libra! It’s okay to have a little fun, but remember your responsibilities. Otherwise, the treat might turn into a trick! It’s like going out on Halloween night, making sure your costume is top notch, strutting your stuff from house to house to ensure you get the most candy, and then going home and binging on it. Don’t do it! It may be fun now, but you’ll be sick in the morning. Try to keep your impulses in check. Everything in moderation. You don’t want overindulgence to steal your shine this season.

Scorpio | 2 of Cups Reversed + Skull of Light



It looks like we may be shining a light on our relationship dynamics this season Scorpio. What is just not working in your relationships? Is there a communication issue? Is one of you more emotional or ‘in tune’ while the other is more logical and out of touch with their feelings? This Autumn will be a time of trying to balance relationships – especially those of great importance to us. There will also be realizations this season as to whether things may be reconcilable or not. This may be a sensitive time for you, so make sure to take good care of yourself. Focus on what is for the best and highest good of all involved.

Sagittarius | The Wheel Reversed + Eternal Love

Love is love is love and it transcends physical death…


As the wheel of the year turns again, the seasons change, the leaves fall away. This Fall will have a huge focus on love – love lost, love found, love that has changed shape. As the veil thins, you may be more aware of your loved ones in spirit surrounding and extending their love to you. Know that all things have a cycle. Things may be last for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Energy never dies, it is simply transformed. Give thanks and gratitude this Autumn for the loving presences in your life – your parents, children, spouse, friends, fur babies, loved ones in spirit, even the woman who always smiles and waves when you pass her on the street.

Capricorn | 6 of Pentacles + Barmbrack

Sweetness and synergy…


Weigh your options carefully Capricorn. Allow for an even exchange of energy to take place. You are creating the alchemy of your life. Your life is a recipe! Would you like to add more love? How about more honesty? Do you feel called to be more generous? You are the chef! How can you work with others more this Fall? How can you share your resources and bring more positivity to those around you? Open up more space for giving and sharing in your life this Autumn. You could even volunteer in a food drive or donate your time to a homeless shelter! Doing these things make you feel good and they also help to balance energy.

Aquarius | The Tower + Zombie



Release the need for control this season Aquarius. That may feel hard to do right now, especially if you feel that things are out of control or crumbling around you. Don’t allow situations that are out of your control to change who you are and make you feel like less of yourself! Sometimes when we feel that we can’t get bearings on a situation, it is easier to shut down or find an escape than to accept the situation for what it is. We can’t micromanage everything. Occasionally, the Universe likes to shake us up to wake us up! To teach us how to be more in the flow. This Autumn, be more accepting of change and less rigid.

Pisces | Death + Forgiveness

Reducing burden…


It seems like there will be some healing energy surrounding you this Autumn, Pisces. Transforming and changing the way you look at others, situations from the past, and your roles in them. Stripping away what is no longer you. In finding forgiveness for ourself and for others, we free ourselves from carrying the burdens of guilt, grief, anger, resentment, ego, fear, and so much more. These things only weigh us down on our journey. When we find forgiveness, true forgiveness, we can finally release and begin to heal more deeply than ever before.

What your Loved Ones in Spirit Want you to Know

In the writing of this blog post, I opened up to our loved one’s on the Other Side and asked them what are the most prominent messages that they would like there loved one’s on the Earth plane to know. This is what they told me…

We’re not really dead

Although we may not share the same physical space in a physical body, does not mean we are dead and gone. Just because our bodies have gone back to the earth, our spirit, our soul lives on forever. This energy cannot be destroyed. It is just transformed. This may be hard to understand but please know that when you hear our favorite song on the radio, you remember a funny joke we told, or you feel a gentle touch on your shoulder, that we are there.

We still love you

Just because we are no longer living, does not mean that our love has disappeared as well. It will never fizzle. In fact, it is stronger than ever. We share in your joys and try to bring comfort to your pains. We watch your growth and we forgive your mistakes. We are your biggest cheerleaders! We are there through births, illnesses, new jobs, moving, marriages, divorces, graduations, and deaths. We support you through it all. The love we have for you is unconditional and everlasting.

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Yes, when you talk to us, we can hear you

In those moments where you just wish for a message from us, for a sign, a hug, for some sound advice. When you talk with us before she walks down the aisle, when you hold your newborn child for the first time and say ‘Oh mom, isn’t she beautiful?’ In those moments when you beg for mercy and comfort, and in desperation when you plead for strength. We hear you. We understand. When you think of us, when you call out our name, we are there. We do our best to help you and even send loving people your way to help guide you. Keep your eyes open for the blessings and help we send your way. Just be aware it may not come in the way that you expect it to.

Let go of unnecessary fear + You are protected

Oh darlings, let go of fear. It holds you back from all the beauty your life can hold. From who you were born to be and the life you were meant to live. If you could see all of the wonderful things that the future holds for you, you would dive right in! Fear of failure is unnecessary for we are always with you. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. The unknown is a scary place to be at times yes, but that is where strength that you did not know you possessed is able to create breakthroughs. It is where ‘Aha!’ moments are born.  There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Stop allowing it to paralyze you. You must face it in order to grow. Know that we are here loving and supporting you. You are never alone. We surround you in our loving protection always.

xo Ariel

Have your Spirit Guides been trying grab your attention?

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Was that a message from my Spirit Guide? How do I know when my Spirit Guides and Angels are close by? I feel like they may be trying to tell me something but I’m just not sure if it’s my imagination or not? If you’re unsure as to whether your Spirit Guides are trying to relay a message to you, here are some great tips to help you know when your personal Spirit Guide entourage may be near!

1.  Chills + Shivers

For years I would get the chills and not know why. It could be 90 degrees outside and I can get a case of the shivers. And it’s not that I would be cold, or feel cold when I got them – it was just my body reacting to something and I just didn’t have a clue what it was! I accepted it as one of my quirks and moved on. However, after many years of my life with this mystery, I discovered that this is in fact a sign from my guides and Spirit! In my experience, when my Spirit Guides or Spirit (departed loved ones on the Other Side) are close, I will get the shivers unexpectedly. Almost like a rush of wind just goes through you. This is when your guides (or Spirit) step into your aura or your energetic field. You are sensing the change in vibration of your energetic field.

2.  Finding Feathers Unexpectedly

Lovely, light, airy, and free. You may walk out of your house one morning and find a feather on your doorstep or on the windshield of your car. Feathers are often a sign from your Spirit Guides or Angels that they are surrounding you. Feathers are a symbol that a message is trying to be relayed to you from your guides. They are often a sign of comfort and a reminder that you are not alone. I always love when I find a feather out of the blue. It  feels like a direct connection, a secret code from my guides, just for me. The color of the feather you find can also be a part of the message! Here are my personal associations for what a particular color feather may be trying to tell you:

spirit guides feather

Red Feather – joy, passion, energy, vitality, strength

Blue Feather – calm, self expression, truthfulness

White Feather – peace, love, purity, unity

Gray Feather – it may be time to find clarity in your situation, just ask us for help!

Black Feather – protection, release of worry + fear, magick

Brown Feather – grounding, connecting with Earth, taking care of your physical body

3.  A tickle or feeling of warmth on your skin

For me, this is particularly noticeable on my back or shoulders. It gives off this feeling of protection like my guides are saying “We literally have your back.” There’s definitely an increased sense of safety and security when I feel my guides around me. Sometimes the feeling of warm, golden energy is lasting. You feel enveloped in warmth and protection. In terms of feeling a tickle on the skin, that can be quite fleeting. By the time you notice it, it may be gone. Your guides are just checking in and saying ‘Hey!’ I often feel this as briefly as a peck on the cheek or a brush on my shoulder.

4.  Repeating Numbers

Seeing repeating numbers (also known as Angel Numbers) are a very synchronistic way that your Spirit Guides (and Angels!) may communicate with you. If you are seeing the same number pattern over and over, such as 111, 378, 444, 656,  333, 989, 542, 888…etc. there is definitely a message there for you. Look up the meaning of the numbers you keep seeing. For me, it is always a helpful message about my guides being with me, letting me know I may need to change my focus, or giving me loving encouragement on my path when I need it most.


Les murmures de l’Amour, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau


5.  A name you keep hearing – What’s in a name?

Let’s say for a moment that every time you go into meditation, you keep hearing a name over and over again. ‘Foster…Foster…Foster’ Yes, this could be a message from Spirit, but it could also be the name of a Spirit Guide who is trying to work with you! Here’s a tip: If you ask your Spirit Guide for their name, go with the first name you get. Then look up the meaning of that name. I always find something extremely profound when I do this. This can also really help you to form a deeper relationship with and understanding of your Spirit Guide.

6.  A recurring symbol in meditation

In meditation, you may keep seeing a recurring symbol, let’s say a conch shell for example. It is troubling you because somewhere in your 20 minutes of meditation this symbol keeps popping up meditation, after meditation, after meditation. This is a HUGE sign from your Spirit Guides! The conch shell is a symbol of truth. Is there a situation in your life where honesty and truthfulness is a concern? My most recent recurring symbol was the crystal Amethyst. I would wake up in the morning hearing and seeing this stone over and over again. At first it was maddening until I took the time to connect with my guides and say ‘Hey, what’s up with this?’ Upon further exploration, it made total sense that my guides wanted me to work with this crystal more to help deepen my connection with them. Always look up the symbolic meaning of the sign or gift you receive in your meditation. And if your still unsure, just ask your Spirit Guides for clarification – they may be trying to tell you something that could lead to a big breakthrough!

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7.  You keep feeling nudged in a certain direction and aren’t sure why

You keep feeling the nudge to move to a new city, change careers, or ask that person you think is super cute out on a date. You’re not sure where this nudge is coming from but yet it keeps pulling and tugging you in a certain direction. Trust this! This is more than likely your guides dropping hints, giving gentle pushes, and whispering in your ear as to which path you should take. It may even lead you closer to your Soul’s Purpose and your destiny! Please note, a Spirit Guide is of the highest vibration and will NEVER encourage you to do something that would be harmful to others and that is not for your best and highest good.

*Bonus: That motivational quote was so on point!

I love how our Spirit Guides can lay little bread crumbs on our path such as motivational and inspirational quotes. These are synchronistic happenings that resonate deeply with your soul and what you are going through at the moment you read them. Automatically you know that you were meant to see this. That it was laid in your path just for you. Your Spirit Guides gave you the smallest of inklings to check your Instagram feed or open to a certain page of a book and there it was! This is a sign that your Spirit Guides are around you supporting you and your tribulations, they see and understand what you are going through, even though you may be feeling like you’re going it alone.

I hope this has helped you to give you some hints as to when your Spirit Guides are near (which is always) and what they are trying to tell you!

xo Ariel


Spiritual Awakening & Trusting Yourself | Maven Mindset

Trusting yourself is often one of the most difficult things we have to learn to do in our lives. Self doubt and the overcoming of it is a huge part of the Ascension Process. Think about this – when you are with someone you don’t trust, you don’t go off with them on crazy adventures or truly heed their advice. They may make you nervous, uncomfortable, or even wary. When you have a lack of trust in you, you are giving that very energy to yourself! Don’t treat yourself like the strangers your mother warned you to stay away from. Your Higher Self wants to take you on a grand and mystical adventure full of synchronicity and wonder! Yet, that is hard to do without relaxing into full trust in yourself, who you are, and the Universe. When you don’t fully trust, you hold yourself back – your smile is shaky and not as wide, your laughter not as deep, your voice small and quiet. Get to know yourself by trusting yourself! Don’t you want to be able to tune in to your Higher Self and know that the information you’re receiving is for your best and highest good? When you fully trust in yourself, you allow yourself to fully and deeply experience. The best way to begin that process is to trust in YOU!

Trust Yourself (Sacred Rebels Oracle)

feat. Sacred Rebels Oracle


When you lack self trust and confidence, your world stays small and colorblind. When you listen to and trust yourself, so much beauty is released all around you! Color and endless opportunity light up your world! Synchronistic events will occur with increasing frequency when you trust the intuitive hits and signs you get from the Universe. These signs may come to you as repeating numbers (like seeing 333 or 468 or 999 etc. over and over), animals appearing to you (read about my experience with fox), or when what you’ve been trying to manifest seems to fall into place piece by piece.

Your Higher Self will never tell you anything negative, will not be condescending, and definitely not judgmental. Your Higher Self looks out for you in the best and most healthy ways to help you grow and change for the better. Your Ego on the other hand wants to protect itself. Your Ego can be harsh, critical, prideful, and fear driven. Ego has a very loud, boisterous, and interrupting voice while your Higher Self is much more quiet, loving, and gentle.

Imagine (Wisdom of the Oracle)

feat. Wisdom of the Oracle


Imagine what trusting yourself can do for your dreams and goals! For example, there’s a company you’ve been dying to work with and they start to show interest in you. You’re feeling pressured to make a business deal but something in you is telling you this may not be such a good move, so you decide not to go through with it. Then you find out down the road that the company has a history of fraud. By trusting yourself and listening to the feeling that this deal was not in alignment with your Higher Self or purpose, you avoid all the trouble of having been caught up in an association with that company therefore saving the reputation of your business. We often put pressure on ourselves to do what we think makes the best linear route to our goals, but the path to our goals is not always straight. Sometimes we have to take a zig zag route to get there. If your logical and analytical mind is telling you to go left but all the signs you’ve been receiving from the Universe, as well as your gut instincts, are telling you to go right (which is far off the beaten path for you), think about what you will have wished you had done down the road. When you look back will you be happy that you made the decision you did? Will you have wished you listened to your Higher Self? Pause and listen to your instincts. You’re feeling that way for a reason.

Here is another example, let’s say that your friend wants you to go to this party with them. You’re an introvert and parties aren’t really your thing, but something is jumping up and down inside you telling you to get dressed and go! You don’t feel comfortable around a large amount of people but you figure it would be nice to go out with your friend so you throw on your best little black dress and go to the event. At the event you end up meeting someone who designs websites. Lately you’ve been having trouble with your business page and so you decide to tell them about it. Bingo! You end up hitting it off with them and manage to get all your questions answered. You get your website up and running and the next thing you know, a magazine wants to feature one of your articles! You do that for a few years and realize you think you’re finally ready to start writing your manifesto and then BOOM! – you’ve written a best selling book! And it all started with that silly little dinner party all those years ago. Even when you’re afraid, trust yourself. Feel the fear and do it anyway. There is so much growth and opportunity presented to you when you do that! You never know what path it may lead you down. 

Spiritual Awakening:Conflict (Crystal Reading Cards)

feat. The Healing Oracle Crystal Reading Cards


The Universe will often throw challenges our way to see how we respond to them – especially during the Spiritual Awakening process. I think of these as “tests” or “check-ups” of my trust in self and my intuition. The main one I’ve seen come up over and over again is conflict. Conflict is an opportunity for growth – at least Spirit sees it that way! Spirit wants to know how you have grown in the handling of different types of conflict, whether that be standing up for yourself when someone is talking down to you or how you react when having an argument with someone else. What you would have done in the past compared to your current handling of that type of interaction? If your intuition is telling you to drop it, that it’s not worth your time or energy, listen to that voice! If your Higher Self is telling you to be more assertive and to stand your ground, heed that advice! How well are you listening to that voice? Have you put Ego aside when dealing with these types of confrontations or do you let it do the talking for you? Do you trust what your Higher Self  has to tell you or are you too afraid to step out of your comfort zone and into a different (and higher) vibration?

Ace of Pentacles - Shadowscapes Tarot

feat. Shadowscapes Tarot


Trust in your intuition and Higher Self to tell you what is needed for continued growth on your journey of Spiritual Awakening. The path Spirit wants you to take may be rocky and nerve wracking compared to the easier road that the Ego has laid out before you. When you listen to your intuition during times of hardship and conflict, it builds more trust in yourself and your abilities, strengths, and prowess. It unleashes your confidence and faith. Without difficult circumstances or the confusion that comes with tough decisions, there would be no growth. Stepping away from old patterns of belief and behavior and away from your comfort zone, leads to more personal development than you can imagine. Change equals growth. Growth leads to new beginnings. New beginnings lead to more chances to shine your inner light even brighter! It’s not easy and takes hard work. When you trust in yourself, you plant the golden seeds dreams are made of.

By quieting the voice of Ego and tuning in to the world of Spirit and our Higher Self, we open the door for more abundance and opportunities. The more you listen to it, the stronger it will get. The Ascension Process calls for us to be aware and receptive to the messages we get from the Universe, Spirit, and our Higher Self. The more you trust in their guidance, the easier it is for them to guide you along your life path and soul purpose. So stop and listen intently to the Universe as she whispers her secrets to you.

xo Ariel


Rock Your Chakras!

Chakra Love Pic

Show your Chakras some L.O.V.E.

Our chakras play a major role in our health, vitality, and well being. The health of our chakras affects our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel of life”. There are 7 major chakras in our body. (I go into detail about all 7 Chakras on my YouTube channel. You can view my Rock Your Chakras! videos here). They are at points along our spine from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of our head and each has its own color association. They all govern different areas of our life, body, and human experience. These whirling vortexes of energy are as follows:

  1. Root Chakra – Red
  2. Sacral Chakra – Orange
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow
  4. Heart Chakra – Green
  5. Throat Chakra – Blue
  6. Third Eye Chakra – Indigo
  7. Crown Chakra – Purple

Each chakra has it’s own vibration or frequency. The lower chakras (root to solar plexus) have a more dense vibration and the higher chakras (heart to crown) have a higher vibration. Our lower chakras connect us with Mother Earth and nature. Our higher chakras connect us with our Higher Self, Spirit, Universe, and the Divine. The chakras work separately but they also work together as well. They support each other for the highest growth possible. Think of a tree – it needs to have strong roots and a steady foundation to flourish and stand tall!

We need to have a strong foundation before working too much with the higher chakras as their high vibration can sometimes be overwhelming or intense – especially when first starting to work with them. When I first started meditating I would feel sick afterwards because my body wasn’t used to such a high vibration. I could feel my soul shaking inside of me – it was awesome and a bit scary at the same time. The more I worked with it and the more I worked with my lower chakras and grounding, the more enriching it became. So in my experience, a strong foundation – as it is with anything else – is very important.

What does it mean to have a blocked/unbalanced chakra?

Since chakras are spinning wheels of light, a wheel can get stuck (blocked chakra),
move too slow (unbalanced – not open enough), or move too fast (unbalanced – too open). This can cause an unbalance in our physical bodies and can negatively affect how we interact with the world around us. If unbalanced, the color of that chakra may be dull or not as strong if you look at it clairvoyantly. Now why does this happen? The cause of an unbalanced chakra is often a response to emotional pain, trauma, regrets, fears, worries, etc. The energy is not flowing as it should be. Having a blocked chakra can manifest in our lives in different ways from insecurity and anger to depression and anxiety to hyper-sexuality and co-dependency.

Why should you care about the health of your chakras?

When your chakras are in alignment, here are some things you can experience:

  • Happiness
  • Having more energy
  • Improve how you interact with others
  • Be calmer in stressful situations
  • Helps you to live a more balanced and conscious life
  • An improved and deeper connection to Spirit
  • Most importantly – a deeper knowledge of yourself and your soul!


Rock your Salacious 7!

If you’d like to learn more about working with the individual chakras, how to tell when a certain chakra is unbalanced, how to balance it, and (my fave) crystals for each chakra and how to work with them, then definitely check out my YouTube series  Rock Your Chakras! for TONS of great info!


Stay gorgeous beautiful soul!

xo Ariel