Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde

Don’t Fear the Retrograde! Mercury Retrograde often gets a bad rap. However, these times of reflection and evaluation are important for our growth and development. This is a time all about reconnecting with you! Mercury Retrograde can often bring up many lessons for us. Some of them, we think we have already learned. But Mercury comes in to say, “No, no my dear. That was just one layer of the onion.” And as we all know, when working with onions, you get a few tears. We may find ourselves in old patterns or circumstances. We may have a ghost from our past pop-in to say hello, or we may have similar situations from the past come in to see if we have really learned our lesson by how we deal with the situation.

What is Mercury Retrograde? Mercury is the planet that governs communication, travel, and technology. Mercury is considered to be retrograde when the planet appears to travel backward in the sky (it doesn’t really). This is why during mercury retrograde communication gets jumbled, people are more likely to get into disagreements, and technology is more prone to malfunction. Mercury goes Retro several times a year (about 3 or 4) for about three and a half weeks – not including the shadow period. You can check the Farmer’s Almanac for specific dates.

How Can Mercury Retrograde Impact You?

  • Muddled Thinking
  • Technological Issues
  • Issues with Communication
  • You/Others More on Edge
  • Problems with Travel/Transportation
  • Negotiation & Contract Miscommunications

Here are some things you can do to make your Mercury Retro experience more pleasant…

Double Check Your Work & Pay Attention to Detail

This is so important during Mercury Retrograde as things have more of a tendency to be miscommunicated at this time. It is easier to skip steps or to miss little details. Double check your numbers, the way you word emails, your spelling, how you balanced your check book, read the fine print, confirm when appointments are scheduled, etc. Pay attention to details. Listen carefully to instructions. Do more research. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure! Go over things with a fine toothed comb. Take a step back – especially if you feel particularly frustrated. Then come back and take a look at it with fresh eyes. 

Slow Down

This plays into re-checking your work and paying attention to detail. When we rush, we often miss things or make simple mistakes. Try not to procrastinate. Focus on deep breathing to release anxiety. There’s nothing wrong with taking your time! Will a few extra minutes make or break you? Probably not.

Drink Plenty of Water

Because of the shift in energy that takes place during Mercury Retrograde, I have found it beneficial to drink more water during these periods. It really helps to keep your energy clear, fresh, and more energized – especially as you are re-working, re-evaluating, and re-thinking many of your goals and ideas.

Back Up Your Cell Phone & Computer

This is a biggie! Technological malfunctions and mishaps tend to occur quite frequently when Mercury goes Retrograde. Back up all of those pictures, important documents, music, and videos! Try to do this before Mercury goes Retro.

Step Up Your Protection & Spiritual Clearing

As a sensitive, intuitive, or empath, you may find it difficult to deal with the sometimes crazy and intense energy of Mercury Retrograde. Use a form of spiritual protection that works for you! Ground and shield yourself regularly. Work with your angels and guides. Take salt baths, burn sage, or work with crystals and essential oils for protection and energetic cleansing.

Watch How You’re Communicating with Others

During Mercury Retrograde, it is easier for us to misinterpret the words or actions of another. We may know how we are feeling, but when we try to tell someone else it comes out backwards, rude, or just totally wrong. Think before you speak! It may sound good in your head, but what about coming out of your mouth? Be mindful of the words you use with others – especially as some people may be more argumentative at this time. Are you communicating your feelings effectively? Don’t feed into drama! Would someone find your word choice, tone, or inflection condescending when you’re really just coming from a place of love? Is it better for the conversation to take place in person instead of via email? The way things come across in an email can be very different than if you were face to face or on the phone with them.

Reflect More Than You Manifest

As Mercury Retrograde is a time of “re-doing”, it only feels right to be more of a time about reflecting than manifesting. A time of connecting with yourself. A time of redefining what works best for you. If you are dead set on doing some sort of manifesting work while Mercury is in Retro, try to re-work a manifestation that didn’t work or turn out as planned. What could you have done differently? What would you add or take away? Were you not specific enough, were you too specific, or did the intention change all together?

Tie-Up Loose Ends

Now is the time to finish that project! Complete any tasks that have been lying around half done for the last few weeks or months. Get things finished up so you can move on to the next chapter when Mercury stations direct.


❤ Sending you loads of love this Mercury Retro!

xo Ariel